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5 Things to consider at the beginning of SEO Link Building

If you are into the world of SEO, you are pretty much familiar with the term ‘link building’. We call it the heart of SEO. While ranking your page, Google counts on the number of quality back-links your page is associated with. What other sources link back to your page and what sites your own page links to are the important fundamental elements Google looks for. Underline the term ‘quality’ here. Not only the number of links you build, but also the quality of those links matter.

SEO link building is not easy or quick. There is no short cut. It takes time to build links and tests your patience even after that when you are waiting for Google to crawl on your pages, see those links you’ve built and rank your target pages. So, it needs you to be mentally tough when you are starting out your link building process.

Let’s discuss 5 important things you should keep in your mind when starting link building.

1. There are no quick results

We’ve already mentioned that there are no short cuts that can take you to some really fast results. You must be able give it enough time. It’s not like you go to the cafe, order a coffee and take it. There are some things that you can control, but there are many things in the process that you cannot. The site you’re approaching to link back to your page takes its time to verify your page’s credibility before they link back, especially when they are trustworthy sources.

So, if you are doing SEO for your client, make sure your client understands how link building works. Ask them to have realistic expectations before you even begin the campaign.

2. Never leave your niche

Now, this is important. As a beginner, it’s quite easy for you to get indulged in the ocean of sources offering you free links and eventually get lost in there. Google simply sees how many thematic links you’ve generated for your target page(s) and discards everything else. If you’ve got a link from a web design agency for a shoe store, that’s not going to do any favor whatsoever.

We all like to experiment. SEO beginners are no exception. The pros teach you to expand your outreach, which naturally suggests you must be able to build links from myriad different sources. However, you should never forget that Google, the supreme authority only likes niche-based thematic links. Once you’ve built a strong foundation of a ton of niche-specific links, you can start experimenting to see how you can expand your outreach further.

3. Break larger goals to a set of smaller ones

In SEO link building, it’s not possible to set a big goal and reach there in one go. As a beginner, you would most likely face many new hurdles every now and then during your campaign. Nobody knows all the tricks. We all learn by trying. We face a problem, try to find out a solution, and then find it out. Never lose your hope, patience and most importantly, your interest. It might look boring at some points, and on certain moments, it’s very much possible to see a heap of failures. It’s easy for a newbie to go astray. Make sure you have the mental firmness to deal with that pressure situation.

4. Do a thorough competitor analysis

This industry changes very quickly. You are a beginner with almost zero experience. There are hundreds of others who have been around for a while with a lot more experience than you. Respect that. Competitors are not always bad. If you study their link building process well, you could get a lot of insights that help you shape your campaign beautifully.

If you are on the lookout for a reliable search agency that has the experience and expertise to do your SEO link building and produce long-lasting results, DM Softech is an excellent option for you.

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